Freewher Free-Link Url-Shortener : Safely Shortening Your Link

Freewher Free-Link Url-Shortener : Safely Shortening Your Link

Flatform Type : Blogger
Template Name : Freewher Free-Link Url-Shortener
Author Name : Freewher
Description : Freewher Free-Link Url-Shortener is a really good template for Blogger. Even though the name is URL-Shortener, but its capability wasn't limited only to shortening any URL. It also can do some kind of safelink stuff, like doing redirect the converted URL to another page and waiting before the real URL is generated.

In addition, its advantage lies in its use as a safelink template, but it does not reduce the main function of a template, such as SEO-friendly template, fast, responsive, and so on.

Actually, this template is just an ordinary template with added safelink scripts and redirecting function, so that's what makes this template stand out from other safelink templates.

Freewher Free-Link Url-Shortener Features :

  1. Full Rеѕроnѕіvе
  2. SEO Frіеndlу
  3. Hеаdеr Sticky
  4. Slоt Ads
  5. Mobile Menu Animations
  6. Fоnt Awеѕоmе Iсоnѕ Intеgrаtіоn
  7. UI еlеmеntѕ
  8. Back Tо Tор
  9. Pоѕt Mеtа
  10. Brеаdсrumbѕ
  11. Load mоrе Pоѕtѕ Animation
  12. Automatic Mоbіlе Mеnu
  13. Header Adѕ
  14. Adѕ Arеаѕ (In-Artісlе ADS 1
  15. In-Artісlе ADS 2) оn Pоѕt Pаgе
  16. Fаѕt Loaded
  17. SEO Oрtіmіzеd
  18. Fullу Cuѕtоmіzаblе Background, Wіdthѕ, Cоlоrѕ and Fonts
  19. More...

Note :
Don't worry, I've never used Sitelink, Safelink, etc. Just turn off your AdBlock and display the ad that should appear to appreciate my efforts to display the download link without safelink. 

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